In individual sections of text registered brand names and trademarks are mentioned that are not marked as such, which does not mean that these names are free of rights. CDS Systems ® and ® are also registered trademarks.

Any reproduction, storage in digital databases, etc. only with a written permission of the author or publisher.

Disclaimer / Liability note
Find our disclaimer here. Despite of careful control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Only the operater is responsible for the content of linked pages.

Contact and responsible for the content – Information according to § 6 TDG
Dipl.-Kfm. (Univ.) Stefan Spörrer, M.A., LL.M., Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Wirtschaftsjurist (V.i.S.d.P.)
Email: spoerrer[at]

Address and registered office
Systemhaus für Informationstechnologie
Hofbauerstrasse 3a 94209 Regen
Telefon: +49-9921 / 80 77 80
Telefax: +49-9921 / 90 42 76
Email: info[at]

More details about the company
Commercial Register district court Deggendorf
CDS SYSTEMS GmbH AG Deggendorf HRA 1649
Personally liable partner
CDS SYSTEMS AG Beteiligungs GmbH Deggendorf HRB 2114

Stefan Spörrer
E-mail of the CEO: spoerrer[at]

Tax information
USt.-Id.Nr. DE 203 094 522

Terms of Service
We can send on request, with complete information of your address, in our current business conditions.

It is prohibited to use information, such as email addresses for sending information – such as spam – on these pages. Violators will be prosecuted relentlessly.

The European Court determines in its Directive “0001/29 / EC“ of the European Parliament on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society that links probably link to a legally protected works, as far as these are made publicly accessible to a broader audience. Important note to all links on this website: By judgment of 12 May 1998 – 312 O 85/98 – “Liability for Links” the district court (LG) Hamburg decided that by placing a link the contents of the linked site where necessary, has to answer with. This can – so the LG – can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents. Herewith the authors of this site dissociate ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on this homepage. This statement applies to all links on this homepage. To reread the sentence click here:

Pictures und shutterstock
Standard License Agreement incl. Model releases for CDS SYSTEME ® GmbH & Co. KG

that all photos are watermarked so the download is prohibited. Therefore, the abuse of such copyright claims as well as a possible punishment by the copyright owner is not our responsibility to control or pursue. Untitled Download and use of text and graphics leads to warnings and claims for damages by the respective owners.

Content Management System
CMS by Joomla! – installed by CDS SYSTEME ® GmbH & Co. KG Provider CDS SYSTEME ® GmbH & Co. KG
Literaturtipp: Content Management Systeme

Any reproduction, storage in digital databases, etc. only with a written permission of the author or publisher.

Data protection
For questions and problems regarding privacy of personal data by the BDSG personal confidently to the Data Protection Officer of the company Michelle Spörrer

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